Prof. Benjamin Howden gives an outlook on his talk about vancomycin resistance in Staphylococcus aureus.
Prof. David Molyneux discusses his lecture on neglected parasitic diseases.
Vincent B. Young from the University of Michigan gives a preview on his talk on the role of faecal microbiota transplantation in recurrent Clostridium difficile infection.
Robert A. Bonomo, Cleveland VA Medical Center and Case Western University School of Medicine, the recipient of this year’s ESCMID Excellence Award, gives an outlook on his keynote lecture.
Surbhi Malhotra, a clinical and molecular microbiologist at the University of Antwerp, gives an outlook on sessions focused on next-generation sequencing and databases.
Hans Hirsch, an expert for infection diagnostics and clinical virology at the University Hospital in Basel, highlights sessions on infections in transplantation.
Hanna Nohynek of the Finnish National Institute for Health and Welfare gives an outlook on the top vaccine sessions.
Jean Paul Stahl, a specialist for tropical infectious diseases, highlights sessions focusing on difficult-to-treat and emerging infections such as Zika.
Joop Arends, an HIV and hepatitis expert at the UMC Utrecht, highlights some viral sessions.
Arnfinn Sundsfjord, a microbiogists specialized in antibiotics at Tromsø University, talks about AMR, antimicrobial stewardship and one health.
Lucia Pastore Celentano, head of the vaccine-preventable disease programme at the ECDC, discusses the sessions on pertussis and HPV.